What if God Answers Your Prayers More Than You Expect?

by | #TellHisStory, Christian Living, Encouragement, Faith | 24 comments

What if God answers your prayers more than you expect?

As I’ve blogged previously, we lost our precious Penny at the beginning of July. As I mentioned in other previous posts, July was a very hard month for our family. Grieving stressed my body and threw me into an RA flare-up—the first one in two years. After losing Penny, I figured we were done with pets. My heart just couldn’t stand the thought of losing another. But then we decided we had plenty of love to give another furbaby a forever home. So, I prayed and asked God to give us the right pet at the right time.

Time to Surrender

However, I was so impatient. My husband and I checked Petfinder and Adopt-a-Pet daily. I started following area shelters on Facebook. We submitted several applications and called to inquire about dogs. Our adoption search was met with frustration and disappointment. We lost out on ten different dogs for various reasons. Finally, I threw my hands up and said, “Okay, God. I’m done trying to help you. It’s on You—the right dog at the right time.”

That night I slept so soundly—the first time in over a week.

Time to Celebrate

The very next morning, we got an approval email—we were approved to adopt a Chihuahua mix 2.5 hours from our home. I spent the day emailing the shelter manager, asking questions, and making plans to visit the following week. We were excited!

But God wasn’t done.

The day after learning we were approved to adopt the chihuahua-mixed breed, we received a call that we were approved to adopt another Chihuahua mix, and he was just over an hour from us.

Time to Grow

I asked my husband how he felt about two dogs (we’ve only been a single dog household), and he was on board! We visited the second dog we were approved for first and fell in love with him. We named him Phineas or Finn for short and brought him how with us. Then, we took a mini road trip and met our second dog, whom we named Oliver or Ollie for short.

When I prayed for God to provide us with the right dog at the right time, He doubled our blessings once I surrendered and let Him take charge. Not only did he grow our family, but it was one more opportunity to grow my faith and to give Him the glory. God cares as much about the little things as He does the big things. He knows what’s best for each one of us, and His timing is perfect.

God cares as much about the little things as He does the big things. He knows what's best for each one of us, and His timing is perfect. #tellhisstory #faith Share on X

Your Turn: Share when you’ve surrendered and received more than you expected.

What if God answers your prayers more than you expect? #tellhisstory #faith Share on X

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  1. Linda Stoll

    Double blessings! God knew exactly what you needed and looks like it’s more than you asked or imagined, Lisa.


    • Lisa Jordan

      That’s just like God, isn’t it? To know what we needed and when.

  2. Michele Morin

    Ollie and Finn are just adorable and I expect they will be amazing additions to your family!
    Tucker, my slobbery Saint Bernard, sends his best wishes!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Ollie and Finn say thank you to Tucker! They’re happy boys who bring us joy.

  3. Lynn

    That’s wonderful! And a point I needed today. I am trying to figure out a new job as in June I had to leave a job I had for 17 years. Instead of pushing and trying so hard for a new one, I need to also surrender it knowing God’s got this.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Change is so hard, Lynn. Lean into Him and ask for His peace to fill your spirit. His timing is perfect.

  4. Donna

    Lisa, I LOVE your story, isn’t that so like God (and us)? How often I have done the same thing. Finn and Ollie are adorable; praise God for His good and perfect gifts!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Donna. It was such a wonderful, tangible way God made His presence known once again.

  5. Barbara Harper

    Congratulations on the new additions to your family!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Barbara. 🙂

  6. Theresa Boedeker

    Such cute dogs. We just got back from helping a grieving family member and while there, God opened door after door. God is an extravagant God.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Theresa. So kind of you to stand in the gap between grief and God. You’re right–He’s so extravagant. We are blessed.

  7. Jerralea Winn Miller

    Cute puppy names! The expression on the dog’s face on the left in the first picture cracks me up!

    Best wishes for your new additions.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Jerralea. Finn’s face looks like he’s thinking, “Mom, what did you do?” LOL!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Jennifer.

  8. Karen Friday

    Lisa, your two new dogs are so cute! What a blessing for them and for your family to bring you all together. That is so like the Lord to give you a double portion after a great loss.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Karen. We are so blessed and so grateful (most days…lol) for the double blessing God has given us. 🙂

  9. Lois Flowers

    Aw, Lisa … what a sweet story! I have a feeling most of us could share a similar tale about relinquishing control only to have God answer in unexpected and amazing ways. Congrats on your new pups … I love their names!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Lois. It’s so great to see how God works when we let go and let Him do what He knows is best. 🙂

  10. Lisa notes

    Double the fun! 🙂 I’m glad this worked out for you. May your dogs be very happy in their new home!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Lisa. I know they bring us much joy, and we hope we’re doing the same for them.

  11. Jeanne Takenaka

    I love this story, Lisa! God is so faithful to know our hearts and meet us at our place of longing. You’re right though, it’s when we surrender that desire to Him that He is freed to work His blessings in the way HE intends them to come about. He’s done that for me in a lot of different ways, including our adoption of our sons.

    • Lisa Jordan

      I’m so grateful God meets us where we are, Jeanne, and what He provides is so much more than we expect.