Girls Night Out: Summer Bucket List

by | Friendship | 3 comments

My group of friends–we call ourselves the Coffee Girls–try to get together at least once a month. Two of them live 90 minutes from the other three. When we get together, we laugh, craft, eat chocolate, shop, chill out–not always in that order, but laughter remains a constant.

We came together through a main interest and moved from colleagues into friends. We share joys and tears. We have each others’ backs. Our friendship is an eclectic mix–a baker, an artist, a sports enthusiast, a writer, an actress. Creativity abounds. We encourage each other to step outside our comfort zones. They were among the first I called and cried with when my first book sold. My boys consider my Coffee Girls an extension of our family. 

Last month, four of us had gotten together for dinner after a day of crafting. While we waited for our food, we talked about summer plans. We talked about things the Coffee Girls could do together.

We created the Coffee Girls Bucket List: The Summer of 5:

  1. The zoo–who said you need kids to go to the zoo.
  2. Sunset at the lake.
  3. Beach picnic
  4. Field trip to Archivers–all in the name of research, of course
  5. Evening at Sara’s–a local ice cream place close to the beach
  6. Putt-Putt–again, kids aren’t needed for Putt-Putt
  7. Local amusement park–see caveat for #1 & #6
  8. Trip to a local nature center
  9. Trip to a maple farm
  10. Boat tour around our lake

Women need friendships with other women. We spend much of our times doing our jobs, caring for families, focusing on others that we tend to take less time for ourselves. Having a circle of women gives us an outlet. Let’s face it–men and women think differently and process our emotions differently. Having a circle of friends who embrace those differences helps us to become better wives, mothers, sisters, etc. We need people who get us.

Your turn: Tell me about your friendships. Do you plan activities together? How have those friendships strengthened your personality?

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Photo credit: biewoef

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  1. Roxanne Sherwood

    I still have a young child so I don’t have time for fun activities like these with my friends. But you’re right; girl friends are important! I have to get my girl friend “fixes” through my online relationships, conferences and writing retreats, and visits with my college-age daughters. Still, I’d love more face time with girl friends in the future. Great ideas!

  2. Lindsay Harrel

    Friends are soooo important! I love getting together and laughing with my girls. We usually do Starbucks so we can just chat. I love connecting with them on a deeper level.

  3. Melissa Tagg

    Yes, yes, friends are super important. I struggle sometimes now because all my best friends live an hour or more from me. Why can’t just one of them move to Des Moines? 🙂 But God is good and the Internet rocks and hey, I am capable of getting in the car and driving to them. 🙂