Who Lights Your Candle?

by | #TellHisStory, Encouragement, Faith | 10 comments

Two weeks ago, my husband and our youngest son headed to the woods for hunting season. Both are gifted photographers. My youngest son has the creative ability to capture light in breathtaking ways simply by using his smartphone. Even though my guys didn’t get the deer they had wanted, they shared their great photos with me and gave me permission to use them in this blog post.

sunlight through bare trees

What is Hope?

The first Sunday of Advent focuses on Hope. While young children may have high hopes for a desired gift under the tree—and maybe some adults too—real hope isn’t in what we acquire, but in the relationship with the One who can meet our every need. In the secular world, hope is a wish or a desire, or even an expectation. But Biblical Hope is the confident expectation of God’s promises and what He gives us when we put our faith and trust in Him.

During his sermon two weeks ago, my pastor said, “Hope comes from the lives of those who have the fingerprints of God all over them. Those who have accepted the free gift of salvation.”

Then he concluded his sermon by challenging us to be beacons of hope with those whom we come into contact with on a daily basis by sharing our story of celebration. By sharing how God is moving in our lives even when it feels like we are living in hopeless times. He had a basket of battery-operated candles we use for our Christmas Eve service and encouraged us to share a story of celebration or a story of hope and to light our candle.

As our small congregation began to share, candlelight lit up the darkened sanctuary.

God is moving in our lives even when it feels like we are living in hopeless times. #findinghope #TellHisStory Share on X

quote about hope

Let there be Light.

In the third verse of Genesis, God commanded, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

Genesis 1:4 is talking about God’s extraordinary ability to create day and night. However, it’s also proof of His greatest miracle—the birth of Jesus—the Light of the World.

Psalm 27:1 reminds us, “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?”

2020 has been a year like no other—at least in my lifetime. However, even in the midst of the pandemic, social injustice, election turmoil, and life not going according to our plan, we can still find Joy, Hope, and Peace. Because we serve the One who gave us Light.

sunlight on snow in the woods

Be a candle lighter.

As we move deeper into December with COVID-19 numbers rising on a daily basis and the days feeling even darker, I encourage you to focus on the Light of the world. Then share your stories, your celebrations, your blessings with others. Encourage one another. Lift one another up in prayer. Show kindness. Embrace God’s grace and goodness to light someone else’s candle.

Your Turn: What blessings have you experienced throughout 2020? Share your story, your celebrations so we can be candle lighters in a dark world.

Who lights your candle? #findinghope #TellHisStory Share on X
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  1. Linda Stoll

    ‘Let there be light’ … God knew way back when what our hearts, bodies, and minds would crave.

    I love that, Lisa!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Don’t you just love how God doesn’t do anything by accident? He has a plan and purpose for everything He does with us and within us.

  2. Laurie

    I love the quote from your pastor. I now want to have “the fingerprints of God” all over me! What a good reminder that all light is reflected Light. The exercise in sharing your sources of light and lighting up your candles is a wonderful way to illustrate God’s light in our lives.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Laurie, me too! If I can live a God-fingerprinted life, then I’ve served Him well.

  3. Bev @ Walking Well With God

    So true that now, more than ever, we need to be candle-lighters because people are realizing that they can’t put their hope in the world. God’s had his fingers all over me and so I want to share the hope that is within me. I am thankful for the simple blessings of this year – my husband working from home for 9 months and being able to share lunch together and take a midday walk with our dog. My garden outdid itself this summer and spring which was just what my heart needed in the midst of the pandemic. I guess you could say that my focus was on the small, everyday blessings that in other years, I may have taken them for granted. Beautiful photos!
    Bev xx

    • Lisa Jordan

      Bev, so true! Hope in the world is temporary. Hope in God is eternal. I’m so glad you’ve been able to find beautiful blessings in your everyday living.

  4. Linda Stoll

    ‘Be a candle lighter.’

    This invitation I’ll be taking with me. Thank you, Lisa.

    • Lisa Jordan

      You’re welcome, Linda. It’s a great reminder for all of us.

  5. Jeanne Takenaka

    Lisa, what a beautiful post and lovely photos! This year truly has been like no other. I’ve seen God working in the hearts of our boys. I finished a book and submitted it. I have learned so much this year about trusting God. I’ve had wonderful conversations with my three guys. Though there have been many, many difficult circumstances this year, I’ve seen God’s light through all of it. And yes, I hope I am a candle lighter for others.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Jeanne. I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished! Yes, I do believe you are a candle lighter for so many. Learning to trust God comes with difficulty. Through the darkness, God shines His Light.