When I was growing up, my cousins and I loved to camp next to the creek that ran through my grandparents’ property. We’d haul our sleeping bags through the cornfield, over the barbed wire fence, and across the pasture to set up camp. We’d make a fire, roast marshmallows, then fall asleep to the lullaby of the bullfrogs along the water’s edge. Then we’d awake with a layer of dew blanketing our sleeping bags.

One summer weekend, a bunch of us decided to camp out. As we were gathering firewood, lightning slashed the sky above the treetops. We brushed it off as heat lightning and continued to have fun. My grandma and my uncle stood on their porches and called for us to come home.

However, before we even had time to gather our things, the darkened sky unleashed its fury. With rain pelting us, lightning brightening the sky, and thunder shaking the valley, we gathered what we could and raced through the field with our sleeping bags wrapped around us. It was so dark we couldn’t see where we were going…or see the barbed wire fence that separated the pasture from the field.

We reached my grandparents’ house dripping wet with half of our belongings dropped between the house and the creek.

Seeking refuge

Despite the storm raging through the night, we sought refuge.

How many times have the storms of life come up unexpectedly, taking us by surprise? A sudden illness, a job loss, a wrecked marriage, the loss of a loved one, financial struggles. The list goes on.

Maybe we are going through life, complacent and comfortable, doing what comes naturally to us. But then one of those unexpected storms of life flashed over us, catching us by surprise. When those happen, we are racing blindly to find our refuge. Sometimes it seems so far away. Other times, it feels like we are tripped up by fences or boundaries.

Where is your refuge?

But what if your refuge is closer than you think?

The most significant event in Christianity transpired because a tiny baby was born to sacrifice himself for our sins. When we accept the gift of salvation, Jesus offers us the only refuge we need.

But how do we find it when we need it most?

When we accept the gift of salvation, Jesus offers us the only refuge we need. But how do we find it when we need it most? #tellhisstory #trustingGod #Christianliving Share on X

What does refuge mean to you?

First, we need to consider what a refuge is to each one of us. To me, a refuge is a place where I can find safety and security. Growing up, my grandparent’s house was my refuge. I have many happy memories of family holidays, Saturday night sleepovers, playing tag in the yard with my cousins. There, I wasn’t afraid.

I’m grown now and that old farmhouse is no longer my refuge. As a born-again believer, my refuge isn’t in a place, but in the One whose promises can’t be broken.

Who offers us refuge?

Jesus offers us the security and protection we need as long as we keep our faith in him. And that can be a little tricky when life storms are battering us.

When we talk to God through prayer, dig into His Word, and take His promises to heart, then we are even closer to claiming Him as our Refuge.

As we cling to His promises, He will protect us from our own sinful nature and the enemy’s schemes. By striving to be more like Him, we are free from the bondage of sin. And that gives us peace and protection that only He can give.

Jesus offers us the security and protection we need as long as we keep our faith in him. And that can be a little tricky when life storms are battering us. #tellhisstory #faith #trustingGod Share on X
Choosing your refuge.

Just like the way my uncle and grandma called to us before that approaching storm hit, Jesus calls to us and beckons us to run into His arms. But we have to make a choice—stay where we are and become ravaged by the storm or find refuge in Him.

I love what Psalm 62:8 says,

Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

And Psalm 91:1-2:

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,  “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

By holding onto your faith and trusting God, He is the only refuge you will ever need.

Your Turn: Where do you seek your refuge, especially when the storms of life unleash their fury?

Image by jplenio from Pixabay

Where do you seek your refuge, especially when the storms of life unleash their fury? #tellhisstory #trustingGod #Godismyrefuge Share on X

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  1. Barbara Harper

    I don’t know if you’re old enough to remember Hale and Wilder (Robert Hale and Dean Wilder), a duo that sang sacred hymns and produced a lot of records years ago. But they sang a song by Kurt Kaiser titled “Where Shall I Run Lord?” abut finding refuge in Christ. This post brings that song to mind, one of my favorites of theirs. I’m so thankful that God provides a safe haven for us in Christ.

    • Theresa Boedeker

      You must have felt so good when you landed on the porch all wet and worn out. What a great picture of us running to Jesus. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have him to run to.

      • Lisa Jordan

        Theresa, I remember that night so vividly. I remember the feeling of sweet relief knowing we were safe. I’m so thankful He opens His arms to us daily.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Barbara, I’m not familiar with that song, but I’ve heard others he’s written. I’ll have to look it up and see if I can find it. I, too, am so thankful for God’s refuge.

  2. Karen Friday

    Psalm 91 is one of my favorites. And your story vivdly captured our need for a refuge in life’s sudden storms. The Lord beckons us to seek his safe and secure refuge. Yes, we may lose some things along the way. But those things weighed us down. “Lord, thank you for a safe fortress in your loving arms.”

    • Lisa Jordan

      Karen, I loved what you said about losing things along the way and how those things weighed us down. So true. We’re quick to hold onto those things we think we need, but Jesus promises to give us exactly what we need.

  3. Anita Ojeda

    My refuge is Jesus—and this fact has made all the difference in my life.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Anita, mine too, friend. Mine, too.

  4. Michele Morin

    Our world is greatly in need of this truth about our only safe place!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Michele, you’re so right. So many people try to find their own refuges, but they’re afraid to give up in order to embrace what God is offering.

  5. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    I stand upon the burning plain
    in flames that rule the night,
    fated to the blood and pain;
    no refuge is in sight
    save heart of oak that’s gifted me
    by the Lord on High,
    and I raise my head to see
    His message in the sky,
    that I was marked for this from birth,
    and yes, it was His choosing
    that I might witness Him to Earth,
    and it would be less confusing
    to those whom I might reach to tell
    if my praise came from cancer’s hell.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Andrew, such beauty and wisdom in your words.

  6. Donna

    Lisa, such an important post for troubled times that come upon us. I recently wrote on the same topic! God has been reminding me of the only sure and true refuge no matter the storm!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Donna, life storms are inevitable, so I’m thankful to have His refuge and security to help see us through.

  7. Tea With Jennifer

    My refuge is under the wings of my Saviour & I love living in that dwelling place!
    Thank you Lisa!
    Bless you,

    • Lisa Jordan

      Jennifer, His dwelling place is so perfect, isn’t it? Blessings back to you, friend.

  8. Lois Flowers

    Lisa, thank you for these timely and encouraging thoughts. Your words about God as our refuge reminds me of the verse that says He is a “very present help in time of trouble.” The older I get, the more I’m learning to seek Him first in times of trouble. But I have a feeling the lessons will go on as long as I’m alive. 🙂