Over the weekend, my husband and I attended his company picnic at an amusement park. Visiting the park without our sons or our granddaughter was a different experience. After enjoying a buffet of food from the picnic, we rode a handful of our favorite rides, walked through the park, stepped into a couple of shops, and then bid adieu for another year.
While we walked through the park, we passed a wall of funhouse mirrors—you know the ones I mean, right? The ones that stretch you out to make you look like a giant or shrink you to make you look shorter than you actually are. Our favorite is the one that stretches our heads and shortens our bodies. We had a good laugh, snapped a few pictures, then headed toward our next destination.
On the ride home, though, I contemplated the mirrors in our own lives that distort our vision. I thought of two things that distort mine and decided to share them with you: others’ opinions and the insecurities and lies we believe about ourselves.
I contemplated the mirrors in our own lives that distort our vision. What distorts your vision? #TellHisStory #faith #Christianliving Share on X
Image by Johnnys_pic from Pixabay
Others’ Opinions
Why do we care what others think and say about us? If we’re being honest, it’s most likely because we want them to like us. We want to be accepted, to belong. God created us for relationships, first with Him, then with others. So it’s natural to want others to have favorable opinions about us. But focusing more on other opinions rather than God’s opinions discourages us and can lead us away from God’s plan and purpose in our lives, especially when we try to change who we are in order to be accepted and fit in. I think there’s still a middle schooler inside each of us at times.
In order to maintain a healthy perspective, we need to remember the love God has for each one of us. He designed us in His image but with our own unique gifts and talents. We need to be steeped so deeply in the Word that we can combat those destructive lives with His truth. By surrounding ourselves with supportive, encouraging family, friends, and co-workers, we will be reminded those who love us for who we are will not ask us to change who we are or become someone we shouldn’t. Be yourself because you’re an original—God made only one of you.
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25 NIV

Image by SplitShire from Pixabay
Insecurities and lies
While writing this post, I was also messaging a friend who is going through a trial with adult children. I reminded her how Satan likes to attack when we are weak. He zaps our strength and dilutes our faith.
As much as I dislike to admit it, my faith is stronger when things are going well. When walking through trials, I tend to fixate on the problem and not the problem-solver…something I’m working to change.
I used to say I was the queen of overthinking, but this is one area where the Lord is working in my heart and mind. It’s a struggle not to over-process escalating thoughts. Each time my thoughts spiral out of control, I take them to the Lord and ask Him to rein them in.
We all have insecurities and the lies in our heads that make us believe we aren’t enough or we’re not good enough. Truth is, we aren’t good enough, but the Lord’s grace and mercy fills that gap between His goodness and our humanness.
If you’re struggling with insecurities and lies in your head, give them up to God. Ask Him to fill you with His confidence and to speak Truth into your heart and mind. Then put your trust in Him because He will never take you where His grace doesn’t cover you.
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3
After riding rides and wiping sweat and sunblock off my face, my glasses smudged, hampering my vision. If I clean my lenses with the wrong thing, they will end up smeared or streaked, changing how I view my surroundings.
Same with my focus—if I focus on myself, my lenses become smudged and cloudy. But if I need my focus where it needs to be—on God, then He clears my vision and guides me in the direction I need to follow.
What Distorts Your Vision? #TellHisStory #Christianliving #Godsgrace Share on XWhat about you? What distorts your vision? How do you clear it for better viewing?
My first thought was that the opinions of others and insecurity seem to go hand in hand. Then I realized my vision is distorted most by insecurity and rejection. Seems insecurity may be at the crux of several distortions. May we rest secure in the love of our Father and His plans for our lives.
P.S. And now I am humming the song, “I Can See Clearly Now” 🙂
“I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind,
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiney day.”
Oh, you are so right that we distort our vision when we put too much weight on how others see us and on lies we tell ourselves. The desire to be approved by others can never be fulfilled. Turning it over to think God’s thoughts about us is definitely the path to keep us in “perfect peace.”
Lisa, I had to smile at the thought that there is a middle schooler inside of each of us at times … so true! My daughter has an eye appointment today, so reading about vision seems appropriate. If I’m totally honest, I’ve been struggling with both of these things a bit more than usual lately … I appreciate the reminder that God “will never take [me] where His grace doesn’t cover [me].”
I had to smile, too, at the image of an anxious middle schooler inside each of us. I think that’s true. I especially loved this: “We need to be steeped so deeply in the Word that we can combat those destructive lies with His truth.”
Lisa, I can be surprised by what can throw me off. I certainly need to remember God’s love for me, just as I am.
When I fail to make adequate time in my life for Truth, my brain is one big fun house mirror! That’s such a picturesque image for all the distortions that warp my vision.
I love your analogies here Lisa!
Thank you!
Blessings, Jennifer
I definitely struggle with these distortions too at times. It can be so hard to let go of our concerns about what others think. Worrying is another one – thinking through all the worst-case scenarios and how to deal with them can waste a lot of time.