The Best Things in Life Aren’t Things

by | Family | 4 comments

As I write this, my close writing friend Beth K. Vogt has evacuated her Colorado Springs home due to the horrific fires raging in her area. In her blog post on Monday, she mentioned they packed a few treasures like photos they can never replace, her daughter’s wedding dress and other things they hold dear.  

She said everything else is just things.

In the movie, Leap Year, Declan asks Anna what she would save if the fire alarm went off and she had only 60 seconds. He shares something personal he’d save. Toward the end of the movie, Anna is celebrating her engagement with her boyfriend–something she thought she wanted. She spies the fire alarm in their new apartment (something else she thought she wanted) and pulls it. She watches as her boyfriend scurries to save the valuables–laptop, cell phones, etc. She realizes he isn’t the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. 

Our hearts may be tied to sentimental objects. For me, those include family photos, the cedar chest my husband made me that’s filled with our boys’ baby/childhood stuff and my grandmother’s teacups. The rest is stuff. After all, the best things in life aren’t things.

Please pray for my agent Rachelle Gardner whose husband is on the front line fighting the fire, Beth Vogt who had to evacuate her home, and other agency mates who live in the Colorado Springs area. Please pray for peace, calmness, safety and rain. Lots of rain to douse this inferno that’s destroying so many homes and resources in Colorado. 

*Photo Source

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  1. Lindsay Harrel

    I asked my husband last night what he’d want to save if we had to evacuate our home. He said, “You. And Chloe.” Chloe is our dog. I said, “Yeah, but what other stuff?”

    Know what he said? “Nothing.”

    Made me cry. I wanna be like that.

    Praying for everyone in Colorado!

  2. Roxanne Sherwood

    Thanks for the thoughtful post. I’m praying too!

    In addition to Beth and other friends in Colorado, I’m praying for Rachelle’s husband and the Christian ministries there.

  3. Pat Trainum

    In our prayer group this morning, we lifted up those in danger of the fire and smoke and the firefighters. Praying for rain! And no lightning or high winds.
    Not sure what I would save if I had to evacuate. I’d probably be overwhelmed and not get anything. lol