by Lisa Jordan | May 15, 2013 | Guest Author
My friend Beth K. Vogt wears joy and encouragement like a form-fitting silk dress. She embodies passion for Jesus, her family and her career. After reading her sophomore novel, Catch a Falling Star, I thanked God for her talent and praised Him for the way He’s...
by Lisa Jordan | Feb 25, 2013 | Faith
After our youngest son had learned to ride his bike, he earned the nickname, “Crash.” One afternoon, he and Hubby had gone for a ride down the main drive in our neighborhood. Our son wiped out on a patch of gravel alongside the road, resulting in bloody...
by Lisa Jordan | Aug 14, 2012 | Guest Blogger
I met Krista Phillips online through ACFW–American Christian Fiction Writers. When I learned of her struggles with her fourth child Annabelle, my heart ached. I loved her transparency in her blog posts. I loved her ability to hold on through the storm. I loved...
by Lisa Jordan | Aug 2, 2012 | Guest Author
Dineen and I are kindred spirits in many ways–we are both new authors, we share the same agent and we understand the challenges of having a spiritually unequal marriage. When I met Dineen and her ministry, I realized I was not alone. I treasure her friendship. I...
by Lisa Jordan | Jun 20, 2012 | Romance & Marriage
“God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God.” ~ Max Lucado This past weekend I attended a 50th wedding anniversary celebration where a couple from church...