One Word

How Does One Word Impact Your Life?

by | #TellHisStory | 33 comments

I love words. Long before I became a writer, I was an avid reader. I had fallen so in love with story that I knew I wanted to write my own. So my love of words has deep roots.

Words have power.

Words impact lives—the words we speak, the words we write, and the words we read.

I used to make some sort of pact with myself—usually resolving to lose weight—and by the end of January, I’d failed. I do not like setting myself up for failure, so one way to prevent that from happening was to stop making New Year’s resolutions.

I do not like setting myself up for failure. One way to prevent that from happening was to stop making New Year’s resolutions. #tellhisstory #oneword #2022 Share on X
Time for a Change

About thirteen years ago, I decided to make a change. Now, instead of writing out resolutions that may or may not be broken before January slides into February, I choose one word as the basis of my focus. This One Word is the foundation for living a values-based life.

Each year, I like to review my past list of One Words and reflect on how God has used each one to build upon the previous years’ words to grow my faith. I’m not the same person I was in the past, and by the time January 2023 rolls around, I will be (hopefully) an even better person who wants to live her life to honor Him.

Each of these words—Change, New Opportunities, Hope, Faith, Freedom, Simplify, Restore, Thrive, Anticipation, Linger, More, Pursue, Light—has impacted me in different ways. Some years were challenging to stay steadfast to that One Word. God doesn’t promise us an easy walk as Christians, but He does promise never to leave us nor forsake us. That’s a promise I lean into when I’m going through those very difficult days and weeks and months that have dropped me to my knees over and over.

One Chosen Word

Toward the end of 2021, I considered different words as my One Word for 2022. Abide and strength were two that stood out, but neither felt just right.

Also, around November, God was nudging my heart to create an online ministry of sorts to encourage women to become prayer partners with God. I had no idea what that looked like…or if it was even from Him. So I prayed and asked for wisdom and guidance of what this encouragement ministry would look like. I came up with a couple of names, but again, they didn’t seem like the right fit.

During the middle of December, Books and Such, my literary agency hosted a virtual Christmas party. Mary DeMuth, author, artist, and agent with Books and Such, concluded our party with a gorgeous prayer. She prayed the phrase, “a knee-worn people.” She gave me permission to share this beautiful prayer she created.


Prayer © Mary DeMuth

“A Knee-worn People”

The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “there’s your One Word…and the name of your encouragement ministry.”

My word for 2022 is Knee-worn.

One word

The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “there’s your One Word… Share on X

I battle rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder in which my body attacks itself. I was in remission for a couple of years, but the grief from losing my sweet dog in July threw my body into a flare-up. Even though the flare-up has passed, I still deal with pain on a daily basis. Especially in my knees.

Isn’t that so like God using our weaknesses to show His strengths?

Getting on my knees can be challenging most days, but kneeling before the Lord is such a privileged, humbling experience that it’s worth the pain. When we humble ourselves and lift up our praises and petitions to our Heavenly Father, it deepens our relationship by depending on Him to meet all of our needs. More than anything, He longs to have that intimate relationship with each one of us. What better way than to kneel on weary knees and surrender our lives, asking Him to align our hearts to His will?

Next week, I will share about my new encouragement ministry, The Knee-worn Woman, and invite you to join me in this exciting journey of becoming prayer partners with Jesus.

In the meantime, how does One Word impact your life?

How does One Word impact your life? #tellhisstory #oneword Share on X We invite you to share your story at the Tell His Story linkup. Be encouraged by like-minded friends! #tellhisstory #linkup #christianliving Share on X

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  1. Michele Morin

    Loved reading about your process and the final selection of such a weighty word! Looking forward to more information next time!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thanks, Michele. I love the adjective you used–weighty. Seems right and a bit overwhelming, but God’s strength helps carry our burdens.

  2. Joanne Viola

    Lisa, I am looking forward to your post next week. The prayer from Mary DeMuth is beautiful and powerful – one I will keep to read often.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Joanne, Mary is a gifted artist and wordsmith. She has a huge heart for Jesus and others. I loved her prayer and have read it several times already.

  3. Karen Friday

    A powerful message, Lisa. What a great one word for the year. I hope we pray and get on our knees before Almighty God more that ever. Just coming out of the Christmas season, reminds me of this song lyric, “let angels prostrate fall.” (All Hail the Power of Jesus Name.)

    There’s power in prayer and when we pray in Jesus’ name!

    I’ll be praying over your RA. Just put it in my prayer journal. 😇Happy New Year!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Karen, there is so much power in prayer! Now I have that wonderful hymn playing in my head. Thank you for praying over my RA. I truly appreciate it. Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. Pam Ecrement

    Thanks for this. I have not chosen one word before and hearing your process has caused me to reconsider this idea for 2022. I am (as Michele said) interested to hear more about this new ministry the Lord is raising up in and through you.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Pam, I have found having a word for the year gives me focus in every area of my life. And I love looking back and seeing how God grew me through the years.

  5. Barbara Harper

    Thanks so much for sharing that lovely prayer. I’ve pinned it to hopefully remember to look at and pray through it often. I don’t choose a word for the year, but it’s always interesting to read through how God leads in choosing and using them. Happy 2022!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Barbara, Mary is a beautiful wordsmith. Happy 2022 to you as well!

  6. Lynn

    Like everyone else, I am grateful for the prayer you shared. It is beautiful, and powerful! And reading how God nudged you toward such the powerful word of “knee-worn” gives me goosebumps! I look forward to reading more about the journey God has planned out for you in 2022.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Lynn. When Mary prayed that prayer, I had goosebumps–or Holy Spirit chills as a friend calls them. God is using her words to begin something new within me.

  7. Lesley

    I loved reading about the story behind your word, and I look forward to learning more about your new ministry. The prayer you shared is beautiful!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you, Lesley. I love Mary’s words too. So powerful and heart-tugging.

  8. ~ linda

    Lisa, this is so beautiful. I am grateful to be here this day and read the prayer of Mary and know more about you at this moment. May our God hold you near as you bow before HIm. I have chosen to focus on “diligence” for 2022. I have not written much yet so will be soon.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Linda, diligence is such a great word. I look forward to seeing how God uses the word to deepen your relationship with Him.

  9. Donna

    I loved your post and process for choosing your One Word, but mostly how you resolve each year to step more fully into God’s purpose for your life through your One Word choice! My “one words” have been transforming! Can’t wait to hear about your new online ministry!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Donna, when I look back, that’s when I see how the words have connected and how God grew me through them. It’s an exciting and sometimes scary process.

  10. Tea With Jennifer

    I love that word, I haven’t heard it before Lisa!
    I’m still clarifying my word for this year.
    Last year’s was Prayer.
    Bless you,

    • Lisa Jordan

      Jennifer, prayer is a powerful word. The Lord will show you the right word at the right time. I’ll be looking forward to seeing how He uses you to bring it to life.

  11. Jerralea Winn Miller

    What an interesting word, knee-worn! I’ve never heard it before but love the concept.
    I do think choosing a word is a good thing to do because it helps us focus.
    Praying 2022 is a great year for you and all effects from your flare-up go away.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Jerralea, thank you! I hadn’t heard it before Mary prayed it either, but it feels so right.

  12. Pam Ecrement

    This post was full of Holy Spirit nudges and I am looking forward to hear where you go next as you share. “Knee-worn” – surely none of us have spent as much time on our knees seeking AND listening for Him as He would wish. I have never chosen one word but have a theme I am sensing for this new year and waiting for God’s direction on that.

    Living with chronic pain takes a great toll and I trust the Lord will continue to comfort you when RA raises its head to make days harder.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Thank you for your encouraging words, Pam. May God reveal His theme for you at the perfect time.

  13. Linda Stoll

    Knee-worn. That phrase grabbed me. That’s what we need for ourselves, for our world.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Yes, Linda. We all need to have a knee-worn prayer life, don’t we?

  14. Lois Flowers

    LIsa, I love your word and the poem that inspired it. I’mlooking forward to learning more about your new encouragement ministry too. 🙂

    • Lisa Jordan

      Lois, thank you. Mary’s prayer spoke to many hearts. I’m thankful for her gift of words.

  15. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    My word that shall define the year
    is not one to intrude
    upon quaffing of excess beer,
    and thus, my word is “Dude!”
    It’s a greeting for a pub,
    and may presage a brawl
    after which we’ll share our grub
    and put behind us all
    the differences that divide,
    Labour or hard Tory,
    for no agenda will provide
    a whole lot more than worry,
    so let boozy punch-up begin,
    followed by gay bloody-lip grin.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Andrew, your poem made me laugh out loud, especially with the “Dude!” 🙂

  16. nylse

    knee-worn; I want to spend more time in prayer but not necessarily on my knees. I want to have a posture of prayer so I can pray regardless of the position of my body. This was such an encouraging post. Thanks.

    • Lisa Jordan

      Nylse, you’re so right–the posture of prayer doesn’t need to be on our knees. I’m so thankful God hears us no matter where we are or how we are positioned.

  17. Maryleigh

    Knee-worn! What a visual image or pressing in to God! You are so right – the word of the year encourages growth, not failure. I feel like each year (whether it’s January 1 or June 1), God signs me up for a class where He mentors, grows and shapes me in an area that needs his care. He’s given me a hint of the class description. What a loving Father to create individual curriculums for each of us! Shalom and Blessing in your 2022!