How Do I Know God Truly Loves Me?

by | #TellHisStory, Encouragement, Faith | 8 comments

Years ago when we learned I was pregnant with our second child, I had a deep-seated fear—I loved our firstborn so much that I feared I wouldn’t be able to love our next child as much. Thankfully, that irrational fear disappeared pretty quickly because once the reality of my pregnancy had sunk in, I’d already started loving that child. Then, once the nurse laid him in my arms, my heart exploded.

Agape Love

However, the love I feel for our two sons is nothing compared to the love God feels for us. The agape kind of love. That unconditional, everlasting kind of love.

Now I have another confession—I’ve had times when I wondered if God even loved me at all. After all, how could a supposedly kind, loving father allow me to go through some of the difficulties I endured in my life?

Just didn’t make sense.

One night, with my heart raw and ragged, I cried out to God. “God, if you love me, why are you allowing me to go through these things?”

“It’s because I love you and want a deeper relationship with you that I allow you to endure those hardships. Otherwise, you wouldn’t need me. You wouldn’t notice me. You wouldn’t depend on me.”

You know what?

He was right. (Of course.)

How Do I Know?

Those trials were for my own good. I didn’t see it at the time, but looking back, I can see how God was by my side as I walked through the fire. He was there during the darkest times in my life.

He waited for me to need Him. To depend on Him. To walk with Him.

Those trials allowed me to step away from my pride in being able to handle things on my own and to embrace God’s desire to carry my burdens for me.

Even now, during the worst of times, I cling to the knowledge that God loves me. How do I know?

Just like the Sunday school song states, “Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so.” (How many of you are now singing or humming that? You’re welcome.)

God loves me!

John 3:16 NIV reads, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

You can replace the world with your name—For God so loved LISA that he gave his one and only Son…

God loves each one of us so much that He allowed His only Son to be born as a baby, grow into a man, then die on the cross for our sins. The perfect, blameless son.

For me.

After what I’d done? The pain I’ve caused?

How could God love me in all of my undeserving brokenness?

How could God love me in all of my undeserving brokenness? #TellHisStory #faith #devotional Share on X

God of Grace

Because He’s the God of mercy who uses his grace glue to put our broken pieces back together to use us for His purpose, for His glory.

The love I have for our sons is immeasurable. Each young man has his own personality, quirks, and traits. I love them equally, but also in different ways.

God’s like that too—He created each one of us to be different. Yet, He loves each one of us equally.

My boys’ actions have disappointed me, even angered me. But they can’t do anything to make me stop loving them.

The same goes for God. Even if our choices and behaviors disappoint Him, there’s nothing we can do to get God to stop loving us. The beauty of being broken is His redemption to use us for His glory.

“The Love of God”

One of my favorite hymns is “The Love of God,” especially this stanza:

Maybe it’s because I’m a writer, but the word picture that I imagine when I sing this song makes me feel loved and cherished in such a way that it’s difficult to image God NOT loving me.

Maybe you’re going through a difficult time right now and you’re even wondering if God truly loves you. Let me put your mind at ease—He does. More than you will ever know.

I’m linking up with #TellHisStory

How Do I Know God Truly Loves Me? #TellHisStory #Love #Truth Share on X
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    • Lisa Jordan

      Blessings back to you, Jennifer.

  1. Jerralea Winn Miller

    So good! Love this!

    Also thanks for sharing those lyrics. The writer in me is touched by the thought …

    • Lisa Jordan

      One of my favorite hymns. I’m so glad it blessed you as well!

  2. Beth K Vogt

    Lisa, you’re post was so encouraging this morning. Thank you so, so much. Thank you especially for the words from the hymn by Frederick Lehman — what beautiful imagery.

    • Lisa Jordan

      I always get choked up when I sing those words. God’s love is so amazing.

  3. Jeanne Takenaka

    Lisa, it seems like it’s in the hardest seasons of our lives, those times when we do question if God really loves us, that He meets us. I remember one of my most painful seasons, and I asked God why He loved others more than me. He made very clear to me that He couldn’t love me any more than He already does because He loves me with all that He is. I’ve never doubted again.

    • Lisa Jordan

      I’m so glad He made it clear to you how much He loves you, Jeanne. You’re so worthy of being loved.