by Lisa Jordan | Oct 16, 2012 | Blog Tours
I love devotionals. I love reading snippets of someone else’s life woven with Godly truth. I have several devotionals that I use for my daily reading. Some have been gifts, and some I’ve purchased. I received Joanna Weaver’s At the Feet of Jesus free...
by Lisa Jordan | Oct 12, 2012 | Novels
A Deep Haven NovelSometimes the secrets we keep to protect ourselves can be our undoing.To all who know her, Annalise Decker is a model wife and mother. She’s a permanent member of the PTA, never misses a sporting event, and is constantly campaigning for her husband’s...
by Lisa Jordan | Aug 24, 2012 | Blog Tours
Sibella Giorello’s novels are automatic reads for me. Set in exciting locales, her novels teach me something as I devour the plot. I linger over her words, marveling at the artistry in her wordsmithing. Her novels are written in first person point of view, but...