Love From the Cradle to the Cross

by | #TellHisStory, Faith | 11 comments

As a mother of two sons—both now grown—I wanted only what was best for our children. When they were younger and still under our care, we did whatever we could to protect and provide for them. Now as they are older, we continue to care for them in a different manner—we guide them with advice, help when needed, and step back to allow them to walk their own paths…that last one is the hardest for this mama’s heart.

the love of God
Sacrificial Love

We’ve made many sacrifices for our children because we love them and wanted what is best for them. However, the sacrifices we’ve made are nothing compared to what God has done for His children.

The sacrifices we’ve made for our children are nothing compared to what God has done for His children. #TellHisStory #sacrificiallove #Easter Share on X

The greatest example of sacrificial love is John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

As I typed out that verse, a single word jumped out at me. A word I’ve read hundreds of times and skimmed through my brain.


Two letters that speak volumes about the love of God for the world He created. In this sense, so means very or extremely.

He loved the world so very much that He didn’t want to wait for the world to come to Him. God knew the fallen world needed a means of redemption in order to spend eternity in Heaven with Him. So He had a plan for His children—a plan to draw them into His warm embrace. A plan that needed the birth of a very extraordinary child.

Maternal Love

Over two thousand years ago, a weary man and his wife, heavy with child, had been denied a room at an inn in Bethlehem. A young, ordinary woman was about to give birth to that Extraordinary Child. Instead of being surrounded by family and well-wishers, she and her carpenter husband were greeted by noisy, smelly livestock. A feeding trough cradled their newborn Child. A cradle for a King. Such lowly surroundings for the Prince of Peace.

Mary’s life changed dramatically since the day the angel proclaimed her destiny. What went through this her mind as she hugged this tiny infant to her breast? She was an ordinary woman whom God used for His extraordinary Purpose.

Just over three decades later, the same ordinary woman watched her son grow into the man of God. She cried out in horror as the child she bore and the Master she worshipped was accused of crimes He didn’t commit and for sins He didn’t earn. She listened to the mocking and the insults. She mourned as her precious Son was nailed to a cross and took His final breath.

Agape Love

God loves us so much that He sacrificed His Son as a gift for you and me. A gift of love so precious and pure. A gift of love that required the shedding of blood in order for it to be offered.

We serve a God whose love for us is unconditional and endless. He wants only the best for us…whatever it takes to achieve it.

As we continue through Holy Week, let’s remember the gift of love God has given each one of us and open our hands to receive it. By accepting that gift, we are promised eternal salvation that only our Heavenly Father could provide.

Let us trust Him. Let us rely on Him. Let us cling to the cross.

Because, from cradle to the cross, Jesus was born in order to shed His blood for each one of us. God has given us the best Gift—His Son.

As we continue through Holy Week, let’s remember the gift of love God has given each one of us and open our hands to receive it. #tellhisstory #holyweek #godslove Share on X

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  1. Barbara Harper

    I’m so thankful the Father sent the Son, who willingly laid down His life for us. What love!

  2. Joanne Viola

    Lisa, thank you for the powerful last paragraph. “From cradle to Cross.” Amazing to think from the day He was born into this world, Jesus was set on a journey to the Cross. Such a costly and precious gift we have been given.

    May you and your family have a blessed Easter!

    • Tea With Jennifer

      Amen & amen Lisa! I often think what sadness & agony God the Father must have felt for His only Son to go through that agony on the cross too.

      He has Risen!

  3. Anita Ojeda

    Amen! I’ve learned more about God’s love and sacrifices from being a mother than I ever learned in church.

  4. Michele Morin

    Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us!
    I was just last night teaching this verse and rejoicing in his incomprehensible love for us!

  5. Debbie Wilson

    Being a parent allows me to appreciate the nuances of God’s love I think I could otherwise miss.

  6. Donna

    Truly a beautiful reflection, Lisa. Something about being a parent really brings home the truth about God’s sacrificial love for us. When I ponder what I’ve done for my children, the magnitude of God’s love overwhelms me.

  7. Lisa Blair

    Our love as parents’ pales in comparison to His Great Love. He uses us to be His hands and feet when our children are small, yet all the time, we are stewards entrusting our children and ourselves to Him. From ‘Cradle to Cross’ is beautifully spoken, Lisa.

  8. Karen Friday

    This is so beautiful, Lisa. Enjoyed looking at Holy Week through the extravagant love of the Father and through Mary’s eyes. Hope rose from the dead when Jesus conquered the grave!

  9. Jerralea Winn Miller

    I loved your emphasis on the word “so.” I think every word in scripture is important; and sometimes small ones like “so” are easy to overlook. So muc. He loves us so much. Amazing!

  10. Lois Flowers

    Lisa, I echo what Jerralea wrote about your emphasis on the word “so.” It does shed new light on a very familiar verse, doesn’t it? And this: “He wants only the best for us…whatever it takes to achieve it.” Amen and Happy Easter!