Are You Willing to Grow Little by Little?

by | #TellHisStory, Christian Living, Encouragement, Faith | 15 comments

After brewing my tea and fixing my morning oatmeal, I sat in my comfy leather chair to embrace my quiet time. As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, July was a tough month for our family. In my state of grief, some of my daily practices had fallen to the wayside, including my quality time with God. I wasn’t mad at Him or anything, but I wasn’t seeking Him out like I needed to.

As I read from one of my favorite devotionals and then dug into the Word, I was drawn to Exodus 23:30 NIV, particularly the phrase “little by little.”

God is preparing a way for the Israelites. After rescuing them from the Egyptians, the last thing He wanted was to abandon them. He wanted to take them to the Promised Land. But that wasn’t a quick trip around the corner. It was a journey that would take time. Sure, our God is strong and mighty. And yes, He could have cleared the land with one command. But that wasn’t His intent.

He chose little by little because any other way wouldn’t be good for the land or the people.

God knows best.

God knew what was best for them, and He knows what’s best for each one of us. By clearing the land little by little, God was also working within the hearts and minds of the Israelites. He wanted them to grow.

By clearing the land little by little, God was also working within the hearts and minds of the Israelites. He wanted them to grow. #TellHisStory #faith #encouragement Share on X

God wants what’s best.

No matter what we’re going through, God has the ability to “clear the land” of our struggles, our trials, our temptations. While He may choose to do so, more often than not, He clears the land in our hearts and minds little by little. If we choose to take the easy way out, then we miss out on unexpected blessings. Or maybe on the flip side of that, we may have to endure unexpected consequences. God’s timing is perfect. By allowing Him to work little by little, we can have what He’s promised.

God wants us to grow.

Growing is a process, and it begins with a tiny seed. So how can we grow little by little as God clears the land?


By having conversations with God, we are adoring Him, confessing our sins, thanking Him for His goodness and provision, and asking Him to meet our needs. These conversations deepen that intimate relationship the more often we do them. Praying readies our hearts for God’s planting.


This is one of those words that’s easier said than done. Sometimes, my surrendering has a yo-yo effect. Of course, I want to lay my burdens at His feet. Many times, though, I don’t always leave them there. I pick them back up and try to carry them by myself. Surrendering requires action and a willingness to let go of what we’re not expected to carry.


Learning to trust God is a constant lesson in faith. When we trust God completely with those burdens and cares we’ve placed at the foot of the cross, then we have the privilege to see the amazing things He can do.


Like one of my favorite hymns reminds us–trust and obey. There is no other way. Trust and obey go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. When we walk with the Lord, we are participants in receiving His blessing and reflecting His glory.

Clearing the land is all about abiding in Him and deepening that beautiful fellowship at His feet without fear. Little by Little.

Your Turn: How are you allowing God to clear the land in your life? Are you willing to grow little by little?

Are you willing to grow little by little? #TellHisStory #faith #christianliving Share on X

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  1. Joanne Viola

    Lisa, I so appreciated reading this post as I have been thinking on this very portion for a few days. God knew clearing all of the land would have been overwhelming with no time to rest, regroup, and be rejuvenated. So grateful He clears our hearts and minds little by little, not throwing us into upheaval. He works at the pace best for our growth. His aim is always redemption, restoration, and replication, making us more like Himself. Beautiful post!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Joanne, you’re so right. Even if we think we need to push through, He knows what is best. I love the phrase you used–the pace best for our growth. I need to keep that in mind when I’m trying to rush Him. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  2. Barbara Harper

    I’ve just been pondering recently that so much of life is a process, and this is perfect illustration of that. We’d love instant results and maturity and fruit, but it doesn’t work that way because God wants us to grow in the process.

    • Lisa Jordan

      You’re right, Barbara. Growing brings on maturity and helps us to bear fruit. Instant growth isn’t stable growth.

  3. Michele Morin

    Isn’t it just so amazing that even the manner in which God reveals himself to us is gracious and patient. May we be like him!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Gracious and patient–two beautiful attributes of God’s. I aspire to be like Him.

  4. Donna

    Lisa, such a good reminder that God is never in a hurry, and His timing is perfect for us. Part of waiting and resting in Him is trusting His timing!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Donna, His perfect timing helps us to grow to be more like him. Trusting in His timing can be tough but it’s so beautiful when we do.

  5. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Slow and steady wins the race,
    at least that’s what ol’ Aesop said,
    but slow has never been my pace,
    and Aesop should have stayed in bed,
    ’cause I go hard and I go fast,
    because I can, because I must,
    and not first is tied for last
    and all the losers eat my dust.
    But then God stood astride my way,
    “You can’t grow at breakneck speed,
    you have to do it day on day
    to be formed to what I need.”
    And after that (well, if you please)
    he reached in and took my keys!

    • Lisa Jordan

      Beautiful, Andrew. I’m so glad he takes our keys to slow us down to His pace.

  6. Jerralea

    Growing little by little reminds me of Jennifer Dukes Lee’s book, “Growing Slowly.” Growth is just slow. It just is. But we shouldn’t be discouraged because the process is more important than the result.

  7. Maryleigh

    Little by little He is driving out of me what is not of Him – so that I can slowly be filled with more and more of what He has for me. What a good! Good shepherd He is! I’m getting ready to celebrate a birthday – and this just hits the introspective mood I am to look across the decades at how He has continually grown my heart and my trust in Him! I’m going to steep in this!

    • Lisa Jordan

      “Driving out of me what is not of HIm.” I love that, Maryleigh. Happy birthday! May you have a blessed year of seeking Him.

  8. Tea With Jennifer

    Lisa, you have reminded me today that God gave me this verse when I first became chronically ill with autoimmune conditions, one being chronic pain.
    And then again when my hubby was diagnosed with a chronic heart condition.
    Little by little, step by step He is leading us through the rocky terrain of chronic pain & these life changing conditions… But He is with us!
    Bless you,

  9. Lauren Renee Sparks

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful lesson. Saying a prayer for you right now in your grief.