Tagged, I’m it!

Several months ago, I was tagged by Trish Perry and C. Reyes. I was lax in posting Eight Random Facts About Myself, so I'm doing it now. Eight Random Facts About Myself:1. After an eighteen-year-absence, I've returned to school to pursue my degree in early childhood...

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Guest Author: Shelley Bates

Over Her HeadShelley BatesFaithwords, 2007ISBN: 0-446-69493-2 I'm thrilled to be a part of award-winning Christian fiction author Shelley Bates' blog tour! I read Shelley's RITA-winning first novel, Grounds to Believe, a couple of years ago and knew I had found...

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Creating Margins

One of the writing rules I've heard often is to be sure there is plenty of white space on the page. At first, I wondered what that meant. I believe this refers to having a good balance of dialogue and introspection to ensure the reader isn't overwhelmed by all the...

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Pursuit of the Perfect Purse

For years I've been in search of the perfect purse--you know the one with the handy compartments, trendy look, suitable size without resembling a diaper bag or carry-on luggage.Last year I found an adorable Liz Claiborne barrel bag. Not too big, not too small, just...

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On Tuesday, I joined Shoutlife--a Christian alternative to MySpace. It features a similar format as MySpace. Visit me.Within minutes of joining, I was flooded with friend requests and comments to my guestbook. I didn't even know most of my new friends, but isn't that...

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Strange Men & Sweet Nothings

Have you ever been embarrassed by something and it wasn't even your fault?No? Well, I guess you must be the only person on the planet. :-)I started my morning on an ~ahem~ interesting note....Hubby has been out of town all week on business, but he and his travel mate...

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Goodbye, old friend…

Our local bookstore is closing. I knew this sad event was taking place, but an e-mail from the bookstore's national corporation in my inbox this morning simply made it more real. Ten days from today and the bookstore will be another empty storefront in a mall that is...

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Use your words!

Yesterday, our son got off the bus, sporting a shiner in progress. My maternal instincts kicked into overdrive. How dare somebody mess with my baby! I wanted to scoop him up, cradle him to my chest and tell him everything was going to be all right. Then came the...

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The four ladies in my current work-in-progress end up lost, stop for directions, and manage to find themselves heading down this rutted, bumpy logging road. Definitely on the wrong track, the women end up in a desperate situation—one that I think many of us may have...

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Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, blog readers...both of you. :)Yes, I realize I'm a few days late, but that seems to be the story of my life lately. My tree and holiday decorations are usually boxed and stored back in the attic by January 2, but alas, my tree lights are still shining...

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