Cultivating Spiritual Growth

Image courtesy of www.photobucket.comMy brother and sister share a trait that skipped over me in the family line. They have the Midas touch when it comes to houseplants. Unfortunately they are related to a botanical felon. I'm a plant killer, you see. If the botanical...

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Inner Tranquility

While doing my morning devotions the other day, I came across the following sentence, "Even in the worst of times, we have inner tranquility because God is in control." ~Albert Lee, Our Daily Bread, 7/20/2010When things aren't going the way I want or plan, I tend to...

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I've been struggling with my current novel. Several times I've stopped working on it to focus on something else, but the pesky characters just wouldn't hush inside my head, so I'd pull up the story again. This has been going on for several months. In fact, I could've...

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Created For Dreams

Knitting has been on my to-do list for years. Having learned to crochet at a very young age, I really struggled with handling two knitting needles versus one crochet hook. Finally, last November, I grabbed needles and a ball of yarn, watched online knitting...

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Be Still

I have a confession to make--I am not a patient person.  Those who really know me are scoffing and muttering, "No kidding." But, I'm learning to wait--to wait for small children to do things for themselves even though it's much easier and faster for me to do it,...

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The Ponderers are here!

Sometimes you meet people with whom you connect immediately. Eighteen of us connected at the My Book Therapy retreats, becoming fast friends who pray, encourage, and support one another. We decided to branch out into the blogging world.Visit our new blog, The MBT...

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The Coffee Girls (minus one) and I went shopping on Saturday—an impromptu trip that fell together quickly, and better organized than some of our planned adventures. I'm talking receiving a text at 9:45 asking if I wanted to go shopping and getting picked up an hour...

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  Look at the image to the left. Do you see a white pedestal vase, two facial silhouettes, or both? Have you gotten an e-mail where you assumed the sender was angry or displayed some other negative emotion toward you? But, in reality, the sender harbored no ill will...

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