The blue ornament was one I bought after our son was born. I thought the sleeping baby was precious and reminded me of Jesus coming to earth as a baby–the true reason for the season.
This teddy bear was given to our son by my dad and step-mom. The wooden bear is heavy and needs a sturdy branch for support. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, Hubby was in California for 10 months while I moved back home with our son. No, we weren’t separated due to marital problems. We felt it would be easier moving a household once instead of twice. Plus he was stationed in the desert. There are snakes in the desert. ‘Nuff said.
For that first PA Christmas, we had a real tree. Our son was 13 1/2 months old and walking all over the place. The teddy bear dangled from a lower branch. Our little darling tugged on the bear and ended up pulling the entire tree over. He sat on the floor surrounded by pine branches and held that teddy bear in his chubby fist. He looked at me with a toothy grin and said, “Uh oh.”
From that day on, the ornament became known as the “Uh Oh” bear. Every year we hang him on the tree and my son says, “Remember when I pulled the tree down?”
Oh, yes, I remember…the memories of panic, stripping off his clothes to make sure there were no cuts and bruises, keeping him away from the broken bulbs have faded, but seeing the expression on his face as he looked at the tree and looked at the bear, and then at me…that’ll live on forever.