A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 15:30 (NIV)
One of the highlights of my day is logging into my instant message accounts and chatting with friends I’ve made all around the world. I have several friends in the U.S., three in various provinces in Canada, one in the U.K., and one in India. I met most of these friends through shared interests. I’ve been chatting with four specific friends for seven years.
Sara, one of my U.S. friends, started asking me, “What makes you smile?” Right away, I rattle off two or three things like the sound of baby giggles, hugs from my boys, having hubby home for dinner, and chatting with good friends make me happy.
A positive attitude invites people to be around you. No one wants to hang out with someone is always a downer. Having a positive attitude helps you to stay healthy. A positive attitude builds self-confidence. It is infectious.
Your turn: So, what makes you smile?
What makes me smile? Coffee in the morning, for sure. But even better, happy blog posts from friends. 🙂 In other words, YOU. Can't wait to see ya at ACFW!
Maisy belly rubs, Coffee Girls, Erma, my nephew eating blue M&M;'s, chocolate, Disney and Tangled.
Calling a friend to get me out of a techno-jam! Seriously, it's the simple things: birds churping, train whistles in the distance, children learning something new for the very first time, puppy dogs, ice cream (mint chocolate chip makes me smile the biggest), sunsets, gazing into the eyes of a white tail deer.